EasyScript/ComputerScript take a unique approach in abbreviating words by assigning them to five categories and creating one basic rule for each category. As a result, abbreviating words of any given vocabulary can be reduced to five rules equal to the number of categories and the learning curve is significantly reduced. This represents a considerable advantage over any system which assigns a unique abbreviation for each word because larger vocabularies will require adding more rules and abbreviations. Since all existing systems have a limited number of abbreviating rules they cover only a limited number of words it forces creation of user-made abbreviations. The number of EasyScript/ComputerScript categories remains unchanged regardless of the size of the vocabulary and this provision enables users to abbreviate any word of English vocabulary and will eliminate "user made" abbreviations.
It is estimated that up to 70% of small and medium size corporations in the United States are not in compliance with their State or Federal Requirements. They do not document their corporation meeting minutes, have them recorded, signed, and installed in their corporation book of record. One of the main reasons is that their meeting minutes incomplete and improperly recorded due to the lack of appropriate systems and tools to accurately record spoken information.
Introducing EasyScript/ComputerScript to write and type faster, easier, and more efficient than any method you have ever used. This revolutionary way to learn speed writing and typing will enable you to take meeting minutes quickly and accurately. It doesn't take long to learn, just a few hours, and you can become effective taking meeting minutes and more comfortable with this work assignment.
Click to See Text Abbreviated in EasyScript/ComputerScript
It s estd th up t 70% o sm d me sz corhs n h US an' n cplic wi thr stt r fedr rquims. Ty dn' docm thr corh meeg mins, hv tm rcord, sigd, d istald n thr corh bk o rcor. On o h mn reas s th thr meeg mins icom d iproy rcod du t h la o aprot syst d tls t rcor spok iforh.
Itrog ES/CS t wt d tp fastr, easr, d mo effn tn ny mh u hv evr usd. Ths rvoly wy t lr sp wrig d typg wl eb u t tk meeg mins quiy d acury. It dn' tk lg t lr, ju a fw hrs, a u cn bm effv takg meeg mins d mo cforb wi ti asigm.
It s esd th up t 70% o sm d me sz crh* n h US an' n cpc wi thr stt r fdr rqm. Ty dn' dcm thr crh mtg mn, hv tm rcd, sgd, d isd n thr crh bk o rcr. On o h mn rs s th thr mtg mn icm d ipy rcd du t h la o aprt sy d tls t rcr spk ifh.
Itrog ES/CS t wt d tp fsr, esr, d mo efn tn ny mh u hv evr usd. Ths rvy wy t lr s/w d tpg wl eb u t tk mtg mn quy d acy. It dn' tk lg t lr, ju a fw hr, a u cn bm efv tkg mtg mn d mo cfb wi ti asm.
*Punctuation, syntax, and plural endings are added when text is transcribed.
- Small Set Of Rules
- Half-Day To Learn
- Use Immediately
- Proven Since 1990
- Transcription Software