EasyScript/ComputerScript take a unique approach in abbreviating words by assigning them to five categories and creating one basic rule for each category. As a result, abbreviating words of any given vocabulary can be reduced to five rules equal to the number of categories and the learning curve is significantly reduced. This represents a considerable advantage over any system which assigns a unique abbreviation for each word because larger vocabularies will require adding more rules and abbreviations. Since all existing systems have a limited number of abbreviating rules they cover only a limited number of words it forces creation of user-made abbreviations. The number of EasyScript/ComputerScript categories remains unchanged regardless of the size of the vocabulary and this provision enables users to abbreviate any word of English vocabulary and will eliminate "user made" abbreviations.
We may at times request the following types of personally identifiable information: name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, credit card information, and information about your interests in and use of various products and services. Whenever we request the identity of a visitor, we will clearly indicate the purpose of the inquiry before the information is requested. We distribute e-mail only to persons or organizations who have explicitly requested it, or with which we have a pre-existing personal or business relationship that can be verified. We consider customer purchases and requests for information as valid connections for e-mail correspondence. When you visit our website, we may also collect non-personally identifiable information such as the type of browser and computer operating system you use, and the domain name of your Internet service provider (ISP).
Click to See Text Abbreviated in EasyScript/ComputerScript
W m at tms rque h folg tps o psony ideb iforh: nm, addr, e/m addr, tl numr, fx numr cr ca iforh, d iforh ab yr irts n d uz o vars pducs d sers. W/evr w rque h idey o a vs, w wl cley idict h po o h iquiy b/fo h iforh s rqued. W dstrie e/m ony t psons r orghs hu hv xpliy rqued it, r wi wc w hv a p-xg psonl r busn rlatp th cn b verd. W csidr custr purcs d rques fr iforh z vd cnechs fr e/m corc. Wn u vz ou w/si, w m ao ck n-psy ideb iforh sh z h tp o bror d cputr opeg syst u uz, d h dm nm o yr Inet serv pvidr (ISP).
W m at tm* rqu h flg tp o psy idb ifh: nm, adr, e/m adr, tl nmr, fx nmr, cr ca ifh, d ifh ab yr irt n d uz o vrs pdc d srv. W/e w rqu h idy o a vs, w wl cly idt h po o h iqy b/f h iforh s rqd. W dst e/m oy t psn r orh hu hv xpy rqd it, r wi wc w hv a p-e psnl r bsn rlp th cn b vrd. W cdr csr prc d rqu fr ifh z vd cnh fr e/m crc. Wn u vz ou w/s, w m ao ck n-psy idb iforh sh z h tp o brr d cpr opg sy u uz, d h dm nm o yr Int sv pvidr isp.
*Punctuation, syntax, and plural endings are added when text is transcribed.
- Small Set Of Rules
- Half-Day To Learn
- Use Immediately
- Proven Since 1990
- Transcription Software