EasyScript/ComputerScript take a unique approach in abbreviating words by assigning them to five categories and creating one basic rule for each category. As a result, abbreviating words of any given vocabulary can be reduced to five rules equal to the number of categories and the learning curve is significantly reduced. This represents a considerable advantage over any system which assigns a unique abbreviation for each word because larger vocabularies will require adding more rules and abbreviations. Since all existing systems have a limited number of abbreviating rules they cover only a limited number of words it forces creation of user-made abbreviations. The number of EasyScript/ComputerScript categories remains unchanged regardless of the size of the vocabulary and this provision enables users to abbreviate any word of English vocabulary and will eliminate "user made" abbreviations.
Lecture note-taking influences the academic success of all high school and college students and they will increasingly have to depend on their ability to take notes in order to be successful in the classroom. All students would benefit if teachers deliberately trained their students in note-taking techniques the same manner that they are taught writing or computer skills, especially the lower-achieving students.
Abbreviating the spoken word increases the attention and concentration span, and provides more time for students to comprehend class material. They can process spoken information into written form faster and it enhances retention of the information and can lead to improvement in overall organization of their notes. In addition, a higher writing speed allows more time to pay attention to handwriting legibility and style to make notes legible and readable.
Click to See Text Abbreviated in EasyScript/ComputerScript
Lecu n/tkg iflus h acak su o al hi sc d cg stuns d ty wl icrey hv t dpen on thr abiy t tk nots n ordr t b sucf n h c/ro. Al stuns wo bf f tears dliby trad thr stuns n n/tkg tecs h sa manr th ty ar tt wrig o cputr sks, espy h l/achg stuns. Abbg h spok wd icres h atth d ccenh sn, d pvids mo tm fr stuns t cpre cl matl. Ty cn pces spok iforh io writ fo fasr d it ehcs rtenh o iforh d cn ld t iprom n o/all orgh o thr nots. N addh, a higr writg sp alws mo tm t py atth t h/wrg legy d sl t mk nots legb d reab.
Lcu n/t ifs h ack su o al hi sc d cg stn* d ty wl icy hv t dpn on thr aby t tk nt n od t b scf n h c/r. Al stn wo bf f tr dly trd thr stn n n/t tek h sa mnr th ty ar tt wrg o cpr sk, esy h l/ac stn. Abg h spk wd ics h ath d cch sn, d pvs mo tm fr stn t cpr cl mtl. Ty cn pcs spk ifh io wtg fo fsr d it ehc rth o ifh d cn ld t ipm n o/a orh o thr nt. N adh, a hgr wtg sp alw mo tm t py ath t h/w lgy d sl t mk nt lgb d reb.
*Punctuation, syntax, and plural endings are added when text is transcribed.
- Small Set Of Rules
- Half-Day To Learn
- Use Immediately
- Proven Since 1990
- Transcription Software