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Sample Text
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Below is this sample of text abbreviated in EasyScript and Quickscript:
EasyScript Beginner
L hu begs ar bo fr d equl n digy d rt. Ty ar ndowd wi rs d csci d sh tws 1 anor in a sp o br/ho. (Ak 1 o h Un Dclah o Hu Rts).
EasyScript Intermediate/Advanced
Al hu bg ar bo fr d eql n dgy d rt.* Ty ar nwd wi rs d csc d sh ak tw 1 anr in a sp o b/ho. (Ac 1 o h Unl Dch o Hu Rt).
*Punctuation, syntax, and plural endings are added when text is transcribed.
"I'm thrilled with EasyScript. I found it very, very useful and proved I can grasp shorthand. I had a job interview and the manager dictated a letter to me at 80wpm. It's unbelievable I got most of the text right!"
- Catherine Murray, Belleville, IL |