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Anderson-Inman, L., Knox-Quinn, C., & Horney, M. Computer-Supported Studying for Students with Disabilities, 1996.

Copestake, A. Augmented and Alternative NLP Techniques for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Communication Aids, pages 37-42, Madrid, 1997.

Cooper, G. Research into Cognitive Load Theory and Instructional Design, University of New South Wales, Australia, 1998.

Cuddihy, A., Fisher, B., Gordon, R. & Schumaker, E. (1994, April).C-Note: A computerized notetaking system for hearing-impaired students in mainstream postsecondary education. Information and Technology for the Disabled.1,2.

Darragh, J, Witten, I. The Reactive Keyboard, Cambridge Series on Human-Computer Interaction, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1992.

Demasco, P. W., McCoy, K. F. Generating Text from Compressed Input: An Intelligent Interface for People with Severe Motor Impairments. Communications of the ACM, 35(5), (1997) 68-78.

Everhart, V.S., Stinson, M.S., McKee, B.G., Henderson, J. & Giles, P. (1996, April). Evaluation of a speech-to-print transcription system as a resource for mainstreamed deaf students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York.

Haydu, M.L. & Patterson, K. (1990, October). The captioned classroom: Applications for the hearing-impaired adolescent. Paper presented at the Fourth National Conference on the Habilitation and Rehabilitation of Hearing Impaired Adolescents. Omaha, NB.

James, V. & Hammersley, M. (1993). Notebook computers as notetakers for handicapped students. British Journal of Educational Technology. 24, 63-66.

Laine, C. J., & Folansbee, R. Word prediction technology for low-functioning students. In M. C. Sitko & C. J. Sitko, Exceptional Solutions (pp. 49-60). Ontario, Canada: The Althouse Press.

Light J., & McNaughton, D. Literacy and Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Topics in Language Disorders, 13(2), 33-46, 1993.

McCoy, K., Demasco, P., Jones, M., Pennington, C., Vanderheyden, P., Zickus, W. M. A Communication Tool for People with Disabilities: Lexical Semanticsfor Filling in the Pieces. In Proceedings of the ASSETS '94 Marina del Ray,CA. (1994)

McKee, B.G., Stinson, M.S., Everhart, V.S. & Henderson, J.B. (1995, April). The C-Print (TM) project: Development and evaluation of a computer-aided speech-to-print transcription system. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Messerly, C. & Youdelman, K. (1994, June). Computer-assisted notetaking for mainstreamed hearing-impaired high school students. Paper presented at the International Convention of the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, Rochester, NY.

Moore, K., Bolesky, C. & Bervinchak, D. (1994, July). Assistive technology: Providess equal access in the classroom. Panel discussion presented at the International Convention of the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf. Rochester, NY.

Owen, K. Explaining Spatial Problem Solving in Terms of Cognitive Load or Responsiveness and Selective, University of Western Sydney, Macarthur, 1998.

Sladden, S. An Instructional Keyboarding System That Provides Access to Literacy for Diverse Learners, California State University, 1999.

Soede, M., and Foulds, R. Dilemma of prediction in communication aids and mental load. In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Technology, pages 357{359, Minneapolis, MN, June 23{26 1986. RESNA.

Smith, S. How and When Keyboarding Should Be Taught in Elementary School, University of Iowa, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, 2002

Smith, S.B. & Ritterhouse, R.K. (1990). Real-time graphic display: Technology for mainstreaming. Perspectives in Education and Deafness. 9(2), 2-5.

Stinson, M.S. & Stuckless, R. (1998). Recent developments in speech-to-print transcription systems for deaf students. In A. Weisel (Ed.). Issues unresolved: New perspectives on language and deaf education. Washington, D.C: Gallaudet University Press.

Stum, G., Demasco, P. Flexible Abbreviation Expansion. In J. J. Presperin (Ed.), Proceedings of the RESNA International '92 Conference Washington, D.C.: RESNA Press. (1992) 371-373

Willis, T., Pain , H., Trewin, S., Clark , S. "Informing Flexible Abbreviation Expansion for Users with Motor Disabilities" International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2002

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